- Whole grain cereal or oatmeal with milk
- Bite-sized pieces of leftover cooked beef or chicken and soft cooked vegetables
- Milk or yogurt-based fruit smoothies in an open cup
- Yogurt with pieces of soft fresh fruit
- Applesauce with whole grain crackers or roti
- Rice and raisin pudding made with milk
- Dessert tofu with fresh fruit
- Grated or small cubes of cheese with whole grain crackers
- A small whole grain muffin with fresh fruit and grated cheese
- Whole grain crackers, toast or rice cakes thinly spread with a nut or seed butter or mashed avocado
- Milk or yogurt popsicles blended with fruit
- Banana bread thinly spread with nut or seed butter
- Whole grain pita bread triangles and bean dip
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
What are some snack ideas for my child?
Monday, 19 September 2016
*Avoid Empty liquid calories*
*Avoid Empty liquid calories*
Most of the beverages we drink on a daily basis contain empty calories.
Drinks like coffee ( depending on how you have it ), dark teas, sodas, artificial fruits juices and flavored drinks that contain artificial sweeteners can add a lot of calories to your diet.
Many people who have struggled for years to lose weight have seen firsthand that changing what they drink can have a dramatic effect on their current weight.
There are countless true stories that can be easily accessed online that will explain how simply cutting out Soda from their daily diet allowed people to lose over many kilograms in short time.
*Carefully Analyze your Liquid Calories*
Most people count the calories that they eat on a daily basis, but tend to ignore the calories that they drink.
*Diabetic and Soda*
If you have diabetes and you drink Soda on a regular basis, even if it is "diet" , you could begin gaining weight at a very rapid pace.
This is because your body is not able to process out the sugar, or the sugar substitute.
*Action Plan*
Make sure to include all calories that you ingest on a daily basis, even if they are from a liquid source.
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Sunday, 18 September 2016
Why Breakfast Is So Important

It's amazing: Breakfast can provide brain power as well as help you to maintain a healthy weight - and it tastes good, too!
Feed your brain
Breakfast replenishes the fuel that your body uses up while you sleep - it is, as its name betrays, a break from an overnight fast.
Your brain doesn't have a storage place for fuel, so it's particularly affected by a lack of food. If glucose, your brain's fuel source, isn't refilled after a night's sleep, your brain doesn't function at an optimal level. It's like running a car on empty. Some researchers tell us that eating breakfast on a regular basis simply helps your brain work better. We know it helps us have better overall nutrition.
Maintain a healthy weight
Research tells us that children and teenagers who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight. We've also learned that adults who eat breakfast have a higher-quality diet and are better able to control their weight than people who skip this first meal of the day. In fact, 78% of the people listed in the National Weight Control Registry, a database of individuals who successfully lost at least 10% of their body weight and kept it off for at least one year, report eating breakfast every day.
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Thursday, 15 September 2016
When to eat fruits
Fruits are especially good to include in your breakfast because the fructose (sugar) will provide an immediate energy boost while the protein, fiber , and fat from the rest of your breakfast will provide sustained and stable energy through the day.
Your lunch should also have a couple servings of fruit as well to give you a quick boost while you wait for the protein, fiber and fat to provide sustained energy.
Avoid fruits or other simple sugars at dinner because you don't want a sharp spike in your blood glucose levels keeping you awake when it's time to go to bed.
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Challenge Yourself Contest

Challenge Yourself Contest
1 colourful plate daily
Plants create life. Plants promote incredible health, energy and longevity. Plants are absolutely amazing.
They are full of the vitamins and minerals that your body craves for optimum health and offer generous quantities of cancer - fighting antioxidant and essential fiber that will keep your gut working great. The best and simplest way to feel fitter and stronger is to enjoy an abundant quantity of fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES.
Challenge yourself today eat a plant - rich diet for 7 days. You will be amazed to see your increased energy levels increase and kilograms melting away.
It's super easy to get started. Simply fill your plate with as many veggies, legumes and whole - grains as your can enjoy. Make 1 colourful plate daily. Colours should be from fruits and vegetables. But no artificial colour.
Post your plate daily on the INBOX only. Those who will post daily for 7 consecutive days without break will have chance to win a gift at their address. Winner will be chosen by ' random selection ' method. Those who want to enter in contest , write with your name followed by enter me like Supriya pathak - enter me. This will end on 21st September.
I have challenged myself. Will you?
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Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Maintain energy levels with healthy snacks

Top tip: Eating protein and carbohydrates together slows the release of sugar into the blood – so eating an apple with a handful of seeds will help balance the blood sugar more and sustain that brain boost you have been working on maintaining.
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Monday, 12 September 2016
Packing healthy lunches for children
Packing healthy lunches for your child’s day
A healthy lunch box full of fresh food gives your child the energy to concentrate, learn and play all day.
How much you put in your child’s lunch box depends on the length of your child’s day.
For example, children who go to child care, kinder or school for six hours a day might need to bring food for morning tea and lunch. Children who go for longer periods might also need afternoon tea.
It’s also a good idea to pack a bottle with tap water for your child to drink. Fruit juice and soft drinks are high in sugar and aren’t recommended for children because they can lead to tooth decay and other health problems.
Healthy lunch ideas
Packing a lunch box from home means you can offer your child a range of healthy lunch options from the five food groups:
- vegetables
- fruit
- grain foods – bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, rice, corn and so on
- reduced-fat dairy – milk, cheese, yoghurt and so on
- meat, fish, chicken, eggs and legumes, including peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, tofu and so on.Get more information Please click hare and Like this Fb page - https://www.facebook.com/My-Baby-Baby-Care-Classes-1592283140984884/Visit - http://www.dramitbang.com/
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Eat Breakfast to Fuel Your Brain

During a busy morning, it’s easy to let breakfast fall low in your list of priorities, but taking just a few minutes to have something to eat can really make a difference to your day. If you don’t have time to eat before leaving the house, we have lots of breakfast ideas that can be eaten on-the-go or when you get to work.
Breakfast provides many benefits to our health and wellbeing
Breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel after an overnight fast – that’s where its name originates, breaking the fast! Without breakfast you are effectively running on empty, like trying to start the car with no petrol!
Nutritionists advise:
breakfast should be eaten within two hours of waking
a healthy breakfast should provide calories in the range of 20-35% of your guideline daily allowance (GDA).
Apart from providing us with energy, breakfast foods are good sources of important nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre. The body needs these essential nutrients and research shows that if these are missed at breakfast, they are less likely to be compensated for later in the day. Fruit and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals so try to include a portion of your daily five at breakfast, whether that be a banana or glass of fruit juice.
Breakfast can be good for waistline too, research shows those who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to be within their ideal weight range compared with breakfast skippers. If you skip breakfast, you’re more likely to reach for high sugar and fatty snacks mid-morning.
Cognitive function
Breakfast also restores glucose levels, an essential carbohydrate that is needed for the brain to function. Many Breakfast provides energystudies have shown how eating breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels and it can also make us happier as it can improve mood and lower stress levels. In studies amongst children, breakfast can improve attainment, behaviour and has been linked to improved grades. Just like any other organ in the body, the brain needs energy to work at it’s best!
Energy needs
People’s energy needs vary depending on activity levels and life stage but typically men require more energy than women. Growing children require a lot of energy, as an example boys aged 7-10yrs should consume approx. 1970 kcals per day, and girls aged 7-10yrs should consume approx. 1740 kcals. For adults, men require approx. 2500 kcals and women approx. 2000 kcals per day.
Long term health
Breakfast is an excellent occasion to eat together as a family when possible. Establishing good breakfast habits in childhood and maintaining them throughout adolescence may be an important factor in reducing the prevalence of breakfast skipping and developing good eating habits that last a lifetime.
So, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!
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Friday, 9 September 2016
The 10 Best Ways to Praise
- Don't overdo it. When your toddler puts his pants on by himself for the first time, it's worth making a big deal about it. But gushing over everyday achievements ("You finished your carrots -- yay!") will cause your child to discount praise he's truly earned. It may also make him feel he constantly has to do things to impress you.
- Be specific. Instead of saying, "Wow, that's a great drawing," say, "Look at that great sun you made, and you even included clouds!" This lets your child know you're really taking notice of her work and encourages her to do more, says Janice Fletcher, EdD, director of the child development lab at the University of Idaho in Moscow.
- Emphasize the effort, not the outcome. When your child is learning a new activity, don't comment on how well she does it. Instead, compliment her enthusiasm and progress ("You worked really hard in soccer, and I noticed you're starting to dribble the ball better"). When 7-year-old Rachel Geissler started a dance class, she had trouble mastering the steps. "I told her I liked her bright smile, which showed how passionate she is about dancing," says her mother, Andrea, of Bel Air, Maryland. "And I said, 'You really give your all.' That helped her stick with it."
- Focus on the feat. Young kids have a hard time distinguishing between who they are and what they do. So instead of commending your child ("You were good in the car"), praise the action ("You were very calm and quiet on the trip"). This helps toddlers and preschoolers understand the behavior that earned them a compliment.
- Point out the positives. It's easy to fall into the pattern of pointing out your child's mistakes while overlooking his little successes, says Hartley-Brewer. But when you make an extra effort to praise your child's achievements and good behavior, you'll help reinforce them. When Ginny Speirs notices that her children, Ben, 5, and Siena, 8, are being kind to a younger child, she lets them know it. "Telling them that they should be proud of themselves inspires them to do the same thing again," says the mom from Montecito, California.
- Don't brag. Overdoing praise in public ("Isn't Jimmy the best speller you've ever seen?" or "My
- 4-year-old already knows how to count to 20 and to read") isn't just annoying to other parents -- it also puts a lot of pressure on your child to perform. "This is counterproductive praising," says Edward Christophersen, PhD, clinical child psychologist at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. "It can embarrass your child, and it cancels out the learning benefit of praise."
- Share his achievements with your spouse. While you shouldn't boast about your child in front of your friends, there's no need to hold back when you're at home. In fact, making your spouse aware of your child's achievement can be good for him, says Lawrence Balter, PhD, professor of applied psychology at New York University, in New York City. Just try not to say it in front of your other kids, so they don't feel slighted. "When my 5-year-old son, Jacques, does something noteworthy, I tell his mother about it in front of him," says Todd Nissen, of Washington, D.C. One day when Jacques was sniffling, Nissen handed Jacques a tissue and told his wife, "He blew his nose all by himself yesterday." Right on cue, Jacques said, "Yeah, watch me," and demonstrated his new skill.
- Tell the truth. Even young kids can see right through false praise. Your best strategy is to be honest -- and diplomatic -- when commenting on your child's ability. "If she's learning to dive and does an awkward belly flop, don't say, 'What a beautiful dive,'" says Miller Shivers, PhD, clinical child psychologist at Children's Memorial Hospital, in Chicago. A better script: "I see you're working on your diving." By not defining the action as good or bad, you're being truthful -- while letting your child know she has your attention.
- Use body language. Nonverbal cues are a great way to express your approval. "When my face lights up with a grin or I high-five my 4-year-old twins for cleaning their room, they know how I feel about their accomplishment," says Daphne Butler, of Nashville. A smile or a hug can also be less distracting than words. "If you say, 'You're reading so well,' your child will stop to look up at you," says Dr. Christophersen. "But if you give him a gentle rub on the back, he'll get the message that you're proud of him and keep reading."
- Avoid sarcasm. Don't poison praise with snarky comments ("Who would have guessed you'd finish an entire meal without staining your clothes?" or "Finally, you learned to ride a bike without training wheels"). Children may not get your attempt at humor, and pointing out past failings is really a form of criticism. Simply celebrate the event ("How does it feel to eat neatly, like a big boy?" or "I'll bet you can't wait to show your friends that you can ride a bike"). "Kids just need to know what it is they're doing right," says Hartley-Brewer.Get more information Please click hare and Like this Fb page - https://www.facebook.com/My-Baby-Baby-Care-Classes-1592283140984884/Visit - http://www.dramitbang.com/
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Tips to Keep in Mind for Physical Activity
Doctors say kids your age should be physically active for at least 60 minutes a day. Here are some tips to keep in mind during physical activity:
Physical activity is fun!Being physically active doesn’t have to be a hard or scary thing. Did you know that riding bikes with your friends, jumping rope, playing hopscotch, and running around the park with your friends are all types of physical activity? Any game where you are up and moving are great ways to stay physically active and make your heart, bones, and muscles strong.
Keep it exciting: Ask your friends what their favorite types of physical activity are and make a list of all of them. Make a deal with your friends to try a new activity off the list each week. Who knows, you may learn a new game!
On the playground: Do you sometimes get scared to play a sport with your friends because you think you don’t know how? That’s okay, no one knows how to play every sport. So, the next time your friends start playing a game that you aren’t sure of, ask one of them for help. They will be happy to show you and glad that you are playing with them!
After school: We all have our favorite TV shows and video games, but did you know that too much of those are bad for your health? The more we watch TV or play video games, the less physically active we are. It is okay to do those things some of the time, but no more than 2 hours a day. Ask your parents to help you keep a chart of how long you watch TV or play video games each day and when you come home from school go for a bike ride or shoot some hoops before starting on your homework. Not only will you feel better, but you will think better too!
Warm up before you start. For example, if you’re going to be running, start by walking. Then walk fast, and then speed up to a jog to increase your heart rate. **Fun Fact: A “warm up” is really your muscles “warming up!” When you aren’t active your muscles are cooler and tighter. Make it easier on your muscles by letting them get gradually loose and warmer instead of making them go straight from cold to hot (this is also important after your workout to keep from going from hot to cold too fast).
Stretching after any workout is very important to help prevent injury or strain. **Fun Tip: Pick 2 to 3 of your favorite songs to play while you are stretching and don’t stop stretching until those songs are over. This will help the minutes go by fast and make sure you are stretching long enough.
Water is your friend – the harder and longer you work out, the more you need to hydrate. **Fun Fact: Did you know that 70% of your body is made of water? Make sure to replace whatever water you sweat out after each workout- your body needs it!
Mix it up and keep it fun! Don’t get stuck in a workout rut. Try and incorporate a new exercise every few weeks to keep you motivated. **Fun Fact: Did you know that your body can get used to an exercise? After a while your same workout won’t have the same effects. Try a lot of different activities and sports to keep your body guessing and to improve your fitness.
Break it up – you don’t have to have 60 minute workouts. As long as your daily physical activity adds up to at least 60 minutes, you are okay. **Fun Tip: Start a “Workout Log” to track your exercise every day. 20 minutes intervals throughout the day will add up fast- who knows, you may even clock more than 60!
When we are smart about the way we play, our bodies can become healthier, stronger, and faster. Try to use new tip a week to recharge your playtime.
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